The Jewish community has not been immune to the surrender to totalitarianism that has swept the entire globe. This process has been assisted with guidance and direction of Israeli and Jewish media, including those identifying as “religious.”

Meanwhile, Israeli “hasbara” public relations efforts prove futile, counterproductive, and destructive, despite their factual correctness, because too many people are rather apt to admire atrocities, or, if they don’t actually admire them, think “if that’s what Muslims are like, better not oppose them.” Alternate messages and attitudes are badly needed.

Instead of scrutinizing every government utterance for lies, contradiction, and inconsistency, of which there are plenty and which is the proper role of the journalist, we have had news outlets whose default editorial policy is to accept and transmit every government communique as factual truth.

Jewish Home News will not foist raw government propaganda upon its readers.

In a time when intellectual honesty and balanced judgement seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth, there is finally a Jewish news journal that gives its readers the truth without fear or prejudice.

Jewish Home News opposes suppression of information and opinions. Whoever suppresses information shows that he fears the truth. At Jewish Home News, the truth will speak for itself and be recognized.

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