From Sovereignty to Subjugation: The Hidden Agenda Behind ‘Israel’s’ Wars

Reestablishing the Commonwealth and Jewish State of Israel

Mordechai Sones By Mordechai Sones 29 Min Read
The Third Temple

Jews and friends of Israel continue to celebrate what appears to be the first string of unspoiled Israeli military victories since the Six Day War and raid on Entebbe. After years of restraint in the face of ongoing hostilities, the Israel Defense Force (IDF) seems to have reclaimed its reputation as the finest military force in the world.

However, actions and statements by Israeli, American, Saudi, and Emirati officials may indicate that the broader Middle East strategy now in its execution stage aims to abolish the State of Israel and create in its place a democratic State of Israel & Palestine, where all citizens have equal rights, and there are no first- and second-class citizens, as implied by the Law of Return and identification as a “Jewish State.”

For example, the United Arab Emirates ambassador to the United States said in 2021 that the agreement his country signed with Israel in September was primarily “about preventing annexation.”

He was referring to remarks made in 2017 by Israel Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that “Judea and Samaria . . . will forever belong to the State of Israel.”

In 2019 Netanyahu said, “I intend to extend sovereignty to all the settlements and the [settlement] blocs.”

Also in 2019, a week before national elections, Netanyahu vowed to apply sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea area declaring, “We will apply Israeli sovereignty to the Jordan Valley and the Northern Dead Sea without delay.” He said further, “If I get that clear mandate, I will start immediately after the election.”

As Moshe Tokayer wrote, “Netanyahu — who has been in power with a ‘clear mandate’ now for several years — has yet to declare sovereignty over any part of Judea and Samaria. He has not even extended Israeli jurisdiction to many Jewish villages in the area with their more than 400,000 Israeli citizens, notwithstanding his promise to do so.”

UAE’s ambassador Yousef al-Otaiba said that while many had sought to cast the agreement in a different light to suit their own needs, it was actually about stopping Netanyahu’s announced intention to extend Israeli sovereignty to large parts of Judea and Samaria.

Jared Kushner himself confirmed this, when he said that the Trump plan was a “bid to save the two-state solution” as “Israel was eating up the land.”

President Trump’s Abraham Accords are a series of treaties normalizing diplomatic relations between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco, facilitated by the U.S. administration between August and December, 2020.

Here are some treaty provisions regarding healthcare to which Israel agreed: “The Parties welcome progress made in cooperation between them regarding the treatment of, and the development of a vaccine for, the COVID-19 virus, as a sign of the tremendous potential for cooperation between them in the healthcare sphere. Recognizing the importance of building ties in the fields of health and medicine, the Parties shall cooperate, inter alia, on: medical education, training and simulations, digital health and artificial intelligence innovation in the health sector, and emergency management and preparedness.”

Telecommunications and post: “The Parties recognize the necessity of mutually beneficial cooperation for the continued development of telecommunications, information technologies and postal services. They take note of the establishment between them of direct communications services, including telephone lines, and agree to promote, in accordance with relevant international conventions and regulations, direct postal exchange, submarine cables and e-commerce solutions, as well as utilize available satellite systems, fiber optical communication, and broadcasting services. The Parties will strive to develop frameworks for innovation in ICT, including advanced fixed and wireless communications, collaboration on 5G networks, smart cities, and use of ICT solutions to foster innovation and the creation of best services.” (emphasis added)

(ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. ICT solutions refer to the various technologies and services used to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audiovisual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions.)

Sustainable development, renewable energy, climate change, food security, further UN contractual entanglements. All World Economic Forum keywords indicating stakeholder capitalism; the opposite of local representation and national sovereignty.

It is becoming more apparent that the new entity in the process of formation will not be free or independent, but rather part of a Middle Eastern Union dominated by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt, much as the European Union is dominated by Germany, France, and Italy. Military, judiciary, and law enforcement will be jointly administered by Israeli and Palestinian committees, responsible to a supranational assembly and Middle East Court of Justice.

Evolving from the current District Coordinating Office (DCO) liaison arrangement that Israel agreed to in the Oslo Accords, Israeli and Palestinian police and armed forces will be combined into multinational units, with one justice system. This would mean that “Israel” would have to obtain Saudi approval to use its forces on a national basis.

Israel’s leaders already effectively agreed to end Israeli independence as a World Health Organization member state. The WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty will enable the WHO to take over jurisdiction of everything in the world by claiming that climate change, animals, plants, water systems, and ecosystems are all central to health.

Additionally, it removes human rights protections, enforces censorship and digital passports, requires governments to promulgate a single official doctrine, and enables the WHO to declare “pandemics” on a whim.

The Trump-initiated Bahrain Conference that five years ago opened the way for the Abraham Accords was touted as no more than a trading bloc. This strategy strongly resembles the process in Europe that was initially sold to the public as an aggregation of power blocs to promote free trade, but that eventually metastasized into the European Union. Once the constituent nations were deprived of their national sovereignty and effectively reduced to colony status, it was finally understood that trade had been a mere pretense all along.

As former British Defense Ministry senior official Lindsay Jenkins wrote, “In the first 50 years of political integration, it was easy to disguise what was really happening beneath an economic cloak.”

Nevertheless, many Jews see a Trump election victory as vital to Jewish survival. However, two key policy anomalies in his administration bring his anti-globalist credentials into question: His standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Big Pharma operatives Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx during the COVID-19 rollout, and his betrayal of the nation of Kurdistan, who had routed ISIS and whose well-deserved nationhood would have created a true new Middle East.

During his visit to Saudi Arabia in May 2017, President Donald Trump participated in a traditional Saudi sword dance known as the “ardah.” This ceremonial dance, which involves chanting and brandishing swords, is apparently a significant cultural tradition in Saudi Arabia. Trump joined Saudi King Salman and other officials in this dance as part of the welcoming ceremonies.

That trip, Trump’s first overseas trip as President, signaled the importance of Saudi Arabia to his foreign policy agenda.

As the visit aimed to reinforce the longstanding alliance between the United States and Saudi Arabia, Trump signed a massive arms deal worth $110 billion immediately, with potential for up to $350 billion over ten years. This deal was intended to bolster Saudi security and counter Iranian influence in the region.

The visit included the signing of several business agreements, highlighting economic cooperation between the two countries. These agreements were seen as a way to boost American jobs and investments.

Trump and Saudi leaders discussed strategies to combat “terrorism and extremism.” The visit included the inauguration of the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology in Riyadh.

(Recall that propaganda and disinformation also lubricated the approach to European “integration,” i.e., loss of national sovereignty, when in 1984 an inner group of EU countries agreed on the need for greater “European consciousness” to offset nationalistic feelings, so they established the “Committee for a People’s Europe” that created a “pretend” country.)

As British Conservative Member of Parliament Peter Thornycroft wrote in 1947: “No government dependent upon a democratic vote could possibly agree in advance to the sacrifices which any adequate plan must involve.

“The people must be led slowly and unconsciously into the abandonment of their traditional economic defenses, not asked, in advance of having received any of the benefits which will accrue to them from the plan to make changes of which they may not at first recognize the advantages to themselves.”

As Daniel prophesied (11:41) of these days: “Many will be misled…” Progress towards abolishing Israel as a sovereign Jewish state has been achieved by small, incremental advances that only knowledgeable observers might recognize for what they are.

It has been noted that the Simchat Torah massacres, and subsequent months of Hezbollah missile fire, may have been coordinated with Israel’s globalist leaders to prepare its populace to accept Saudi and UAE regional hegemony as a favorable alternative to Hamas and Hezbollah barbarism.

Instead of imprisoning and trying Israel’s leaders for their compliance and cooperation in Israel’s October 7th inaction, the country is idolizing them, even as new posters appeared in Tel Aviv the morning after Nasrallah’s elimination that read: “New Order.”

Even Jews, friends of Israel, and parents and relatives of IDF soldiers who understand how the country has been subverted at the highest level continue to support Israel’s fighters. They point out, correctly, that Israel’s rank-and-file fight for each other, and for the holy mission of protecting the Jewish nation, not to benefit those issuing the orders to the army and their globalist agenda.

Their personal holy mission as individual soldiers is undeniable, but as combatants taking orders, the mid- and long-term outcome of these operations is to facilitate the loss of Israeli sovereignty as a Jewish state, while ceding Israeli sovereignty in the regional vacuum created where the Shiites had been, benefitting the Saudis to protect U.S. oil interests.

In other words, IDF soldiers believe they are fighting for each other and the nation, not for those who sent them. Bu they are not benefitting each other or the nation by fighting this fight; they are benefitting those who sent them, to the detriment of the nation.

This means that even if IDF soldiers continue to pursue the objectives assigned them with deep idealism and self-sacrifice, they will not be saving each other or the nation, but rather helping to condemn them to a worse future.

The Jews’ trouble will intensify until they come to the kind of realization that there is no protection in this world but the Creator that affects their beliefs, behavior, and actions.

Unfortunately, the kind of steadfastness required to maintain such an attitude during times of tribulation can only be acquired through a Torah education still denied to most Jews. Instead, they are taught to place their trust in bureaucrats, managers, experts, and specialists – broken cisterns that do not hold water.

However, there is another unfortunate side of the coin. Jews who aspire to the title of “religious,” nevertheless generally also place their trust and hope in politicians and the processes of Western democracy, but when presented with the gravity of the situation, throw up their hands and say, “Hashem is in charge; there’s nothing we can do. Moshiach has to come.”

This attitude, while pretending to represent Torah outlook, is as constructive as the former one espoused by the atheists.

Realization that there is no protection for the Jews in this world but from the Creator obligates action, not inaction.

Actually, Jewish existence itself is an open, ongoing miracle, but some are unable to recognize a miracle unless it resembles a movie with special effects. This is an unfortunate commentary on the state of the Jewish people who have been brought by mass media to such philistine degradation.

But the single most effective mechanism for dividing and ruling has been Israel’s electoral system of proportional representation.

As Dr. Paul Eidelberg wrote, Israelis vote, but their votes do not count. Why? Because Israel’s parliamentary electoral system is based on fixed party lists, not on district or constituency elections.

Votes are cast not for an individual but for a party. The party chooses candidates, listing them in order of their importance to the party. The number of seats a party wins is proportional to the number of votes cast for that party.

Knesset Members (MKs) owe their position, power, and perks not to the voters but to party bosses. Since MKS must kowtow to their party leaders who head the various cabinet ministries, they cannot effectively exercise the vital function of administrative oversight. This accounts very much for the bureaucratic corruption, inefficiency, and violations of law and procedures reported (in vain) by the State Comptroller.

Moreover, since the government consists of MKs whose position does not depend on constituency elections, the government can, and often does, ignore public opinion with impunity, and on issues concerning the borders and capital of the state.

Israel’s system of at-large elections with fixed party lists renders Knesset Members relatively independent of the voters between elections. In other words, the “representational bond” between MKs and citizens is weak. Much the same may be said of cabinet ministers, since the latter, with rare exceptions, are Knesset Members.

It follows that Israel’s method of electing the Knesset does not enable the national electorate to impress its opinions effectively on the legislative process, nor on the actually executed policies of the government. This is inconsistent with representative democracy.

What is needed is a binding national referendum for Israel to choose a form of district elections whereby citizens could vote for individual candidates rather than for fixed party lists.

In such a case, the representational bond between Knesset Members and constituents would be relatively strong. The national electorate would thus be better capable of impressing its opinions both on the Knesset and on actually enacted government policies.

Since district elections would augment the power of the people and diminish that of the parties, Israel’s existing parties will not willingly support them.

Switzerland and other countries make frequent use of the binding referendum to repeal laws passed by the legislature. When there are conflicts between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government, the referendum trumps them all.

There are only five democracies that have never held a binding national referendum: The United States, India, Japan, the Netherlands, and Israel.

On the other hand, there are twenty-two countries where voting is mandatory, mostly in Latin America and Australia. Israel is not one of them. Withholding our vote may be the only legal recourse left to us.

We are not asking the legislature to reduce its own power. The citizens can reduce their power by not voting for them until a binding national referendum establishing electoral reform is held.

We are also not suggesting the passive non-voting of the apathetic.

A declaration of active non-voting around which people can rally, by adding their signatures, that would explain what Israel has to gain or lose by failing to rectify its electoral system, is the first step.

The next step is to identify communities who may be receptive to the logic of fixing Israel’s electoral system, and showing them how their unanimous signature on the declaration will send a strong message to the world that Israel’s government is not the government of the people.

This could join a nuanced call, not for a permanent state of military insubordination and draft evasion, but for a temporary but determined strike until IDF leadership and doctrine are rectified.

If we can rally five or six entire towns or yishuvim to join the declaration, with another few reportedly in line and rumors that the phenomenon is beginning to spread, with help of media reports, and people around the world beginning to hear, panic will grip the political parties because they will feel their swamp draining more and more with every additional signature added to that declaration.

A suggested draft of such a declaration follows. An online copy (in Hebrew and English) can be found here where you may add your signature. Please share the link as widely as you can. When the movement reaches critical mass, the politicians will be forced to conclude that they must cut their losses if they intend to hold onto any power at all, and may accede to a referendum. For our part, we must hold steadfast until they do, and not agree to any deals until we return the power to the people:


WHEREAS it is widely known that the current government of the State of Israel, not satisfied with the numerous encroachments by its predecessors on the rights and freedoms of the Jewish people, has sought to subvert and overthrow the ancient and fundamental laws and liberties of this nation, replacing them with arbitrary and tyrannical government;

AND WHEREAS, in pursuit of these goals, it has used deception and perfidy, fomented and maintained disunity between various sectors of the nation, resulting in expulsions, destruction, massacres, medical experimentation on the populace, the devastation of the country, depletion of public funds, decline of commerce, the murder of thousands and displacement of scores of thousands, and countless other outrages;

AND WHEREAS, for these high and treasonable offenses, the government of the State of Israel should have long since been justly punished;

AND WHEREAS the law and justice system have been perverted, and the police powers of the state along with them, evidenced by the practice of administrative detention, and membership of judges in secret societies and conflicting relationships, thereby subverting the law from its proper purpose and setting it on an entirely contrary purpose, rendering the law itself a weapon in the hand of every evil it is supposed to punish;

AND WHEREAS the Jewish People, believing that the traditional mechanisms of democratic governance would calm the country’s unrest, refrained from proceedings against the regime, only to find that this leniency encouraged it and its accomplices to continue their evil practices, and commit new policies of betrayal and treachery;

To prevent any such future misfortune, and so that no Prime Minister or public official may traitorously and maliciously attempt to enslave or destroy the Jewish nation, while expecting impunity for such actions:

Be it enacted by the undersigned heads of Jewish cities, towns, and villages within the sovereign boundaries of the State of Israel, Judea, and Samaria, and by the authority thereof:

  1. Appointment of Commissioners and Judges: The undersigned mayors of Jewish cities, towns, and villages within the sovereign boundaries of the State of Israel, Judea, and Samaria are hereby appointed and required to serve as Commissioners and Judges for the hearing, trial, and judgment of the government and institutions of the State of Israel.
  2. A binding national referendum shall be held in which the Jewish People in Israel will have the opportunity to choose a form of district elections whereby citizens will vote for individual candidates rather than for fixed party lists;
  3. Abolition of Turkish and British common law: The governance of the Commonwealth and Jewish State shall be conducted according to Jewish jurisprudence.
  4. Reestablishment of the Commonwealth and Jewish State: The Jewish people of Israel, along with all territories belonging to it, are hereby constituted, made, established, and confirmed as a Commonwealth and Jewish State.
  5. Governance: From henceforth, the nation shall be governed as a Commonwealth and Jewish State by the supreme authority of the representatives of the People, not parties, in the Knesset. The Independent Knesset shall appoint and constitute ministers and officials under them for the good of the people.

Insomuch as the current regime has brought death and misfortune upon the Jewish People, the undersigned heads of Jewish cities, towns, and villages within the sovereign boundaries of the State of Israel, Judea, and Samaria call upon their constituents to withdraw the legitimacy they have previously granted to Israeli elections and political parties, by refraining from participating in elections until such time as the above conditions have been achieved.

This resolution is hereby enacted and ordained by the authority of the undersigned heads of Jewish communities:


החלטה להתייחס לפעולות מדינת ישראל ולהקים מחדש את האומה ואת מדינת ישראל היהודית

הואיל וידוע כי הממשלה הנוכחית של מדינת ישראל, שלא די לה בהתערבויות הרבות של קודמותיה בזכויות ובחירויות של העם היהודי, ביקשה לערער ולהפיל את החוקים והחירויות העתיקים והיסודיים של עם זה, ולהחליפם בממשל שרירותי ורודני;

והואיל ובשאיפה למטרות אלו, היא השתמשה בהונאה ובגידה, עוררה ושמרה על חוסר אחדות בין מגזרים שונים של האומה, וכתוצאה מכך הביאו עלינו גירושים, הרס, מעשי טבח, ניסויים רפואיים באוכלוסייה, הרס המדינה, דלדול כספי הציבור, ירידה במסחר, רצח אלפים ועקירת עשרות אלפים, ועוד אינספור מעשים שערורייתיים;

והואיל ועל עבירות גבוהות ובגידות אלו, ממשלת מדינת ישראל הייתה צריכה להיענש מזמן ובצדק;

והואיל והחוק ומערכת המשפט הפכו מעוותים, וסמכויות המשטרה של המדינה יחד איתם, עדות על ידי נוהג המעצר המנהלי, וחברות שופטים באגודות חשאיות וביחסים סותרים, שבכך מטים את החוק מתכליתו הראויה ומעמידים אותו בתכלית הפוכה לחלוטין, והופכים את החוק עצמו לנשק ביד כל רוע שהוא אמור להעניש;

והואיל והעם היהודי, שהאמין שהמנגנונים המסורתיים של ממשל דמוקרטי ירגיעו את התסיסה במדינה, נמנע מהליכים נגד המשטר, רק כדי לגלות שסלחנות זו עודדה את המדינה ואת שותפי’ה להמשיך בשיטות המרושעות שלהם, ולבצע מדיניות חדשה של כחש ובגידה;

בכדי למנוע כל צרה עתידית כזאת, וכדי שאף ראש ממשלה או פקיד ציבור לא ינסה בבוגדנות ובזדון לשעבד או להשמיד את האומה היהודית, תוך ציפייה לפטור מעונש על פעולות כאלה:

יהא זה חוקק על ידי החתומים מטה של ראשי ערים, מועצות מקומיים, יישובים, וכפרים יהודיים בגבולות הריבונות של מדינת ישראל, יהודה, ושומרון, ובסמכותם:

  1. מינוי נציבים ושופטים: ראשי הערים החתומים מטה של ​​ערים, יישובים וכפרים יהודיים בגבולותיה הריבוניים של מדינת ישראל, יהודה ושומרון מתמנים בזאת ונדרשים לכהן כנציבים ושופטים לדיון, למשפט ולשיפוט של הממשלה ומוסדותיה של מדינת ישראל.
  2. יתקיים משאל עם ארצי מחייב שבו יינתן לעם היהודי בישראל את ההזדמנות לבחור בצורת בחירות מחוזיות לפיה אזרחים יצביעו למועמדים בודדים ולא לרשימות מפלגות קבועות;
  3. ביטול המשפט הטורקי והבריטי: הממשל של האומה והמדינה היהודית יתנהל על פי תורת המשפט היהודית.
  4. כינון מחדש של האומה והמדינה היהודית: עם ישראל, יחד עם כל השטחים השייכים לו, מוקמים בזאת, נוצרים, ומאושרים כמדינה יהודית.
  5. משילות: מעתה והלאה, העם ינוהל כאומה ומדינה יהודית בסמכות העליונה של נציגי העם, לא המפלגות, בכנסת. הכנסת העצמאית תמנה ותקים שרים ובעלי תפקידים תחתיה לטובת העם.

מכיוון שהמשטר הנוכחי הביא מוות ושכול לעם היהודי, החתומים מטה של ערים, עיירות וכפרים יהודיים בגבולות הריבוניים של מדינת ישראל, יהודה, ושומרון קוראים לבוחריהם להסיר את הלגיטימציה שהעניקו בעבר לבחירות בישראל ולמפלגות הפוליטיות, על ידי הימנעות מהשתתפות בבחירות עד למועד בו הושגו התנאים הכתובים לעיל.

החלטה זו מחוקקת ומוסמכת בזאת בסמכותם של ראשי הקהילות היהודיות החתומים מטה:


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