Conflicting Reports: Aid Flow to Gaza Under Scrutiny

'Yesterday I was working at one of the border crossings into Gaza. I can confirm that there is NO shortage of aid and fuel trucks entering Gaza from Egypt'

Mordechai Sones By Mordechai Sones 5 Min Read

A stark contrast has emerged between recent media reports and on-the-ground observations regarding the flow of aid into the Gaza Strip, raising questions about the accuracy of claims that a Gaza aid embargo is in effect.

Recent reporting from outlets such as the Associated Press (AP) has highlighted Israeli actions that have severely restricted or halted the entry of crucial supplies into Gaza. AP reports have detailed the cutting off of all food and other supplies to Gaza. These reports have created an image of a population facing a dire humanitarian crisis, exacerbated by what some international bodies are calling the use of starvation as a weapon of war.

However, a conflicting account has surfaced from a report originating from a source close to Jewish Home News who works at a border crossing into Gaza. This report, accompanied by photographic evidence, paints a different picture. The report claims a high volume of aid and fuel trucks entering Gaza from Egypt, contradicting claims of a complete aid stoppage. The photographs provided show lines of trucks within a staging area, and vehicles said to be from the UAE.

The report states: “Yesterday I was working at one of the border crossings into Gaza. I can confirm that there is NO shortage of aid and fuel trucks entering Gaza from Egypt. I personally have never seen the volume of trucks crossing any border or port, with the exception of Rotterdam.”

The reference to Rotterdam is significant. Rotterdam is one of the largest and busiest ports in the world, known for its massive cargo throughput. By comparing the truck traffic at the Gaza border crossing to Rotterdam, the source emphasizes the sheer scale of the aid flow they witnessed. This comparison aims to underscore his claim that there is not a stoppage of aid, and that the amount of aid is extremely large.

The source said he saw “6 brand new Emirati field hospital SUV’s, a Cadillac, a Land Cruiser, and 4 GMC’s.

“You can see the line of Emirati vehicles in one photo. The other photo is of the aid trucks after clearing Israeli customs on the way to Gaza.”

Additionally, the report raises concerns about the contents of some of the shipments. It specifically mentions the presence of ammonia tankers, stating, “Also I saw ammonia tankers entering,” adding sarcastically, “and you know that ammonia is for civilian use only, right? Not as a key component of rocket fuel.”

The report also highlights a lack of thorough inspection of trucks marked as carrying “edibles,” stating, “By the way, trucks that are marked as containing edibles are not x-rayed.” The report also states, “It was one of the security agents that pointed out the ammonia tankers on the other side of the X-ray area. I asked the agent how do we know what is in those boxes, he just shrugged.”

Ammonia is a key component in fertilizers, and its use in agriculture is widespread. This is a legitimate civilian application.

But ammonia (specifically anhydrous liquid ammonia) can also be used as a rocket fuel. It was even used in some early rocket engines, like the XLR series in the X-15 research aircraft.

It has a high hydrogen content per unit volume compared to liquid hydrogen, making it denser and easier to store. It also offers a decent measure of rocket engine efficiency.

Ammonia itself is not a high explosive. However, ammonia is a key ingredient in the production of ammonium nitrate (NH₄NO₃), which is a major component in many industrial and improvised explosives. For example, ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil) is a widely used industrial explosive consisting of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil. It accounts for a large percentage of explosives used in mining and construction.

Ammonium nitrate can also be mixed with other explosives like TNT and RDX to create more powerful formulations such as Amatex and Amatol.

Ammonium nitrate is also a common component in Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) due to its availability.

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