Jewish rejoicing over Hezbollah’s destruction is dangerously nearsighted: Commentary

The Simchat Torah massacres may have been coordinated with Israel's globalist leaders to prepare the populace to accept Saudi and UAE regional hegemony as a favorable alternative to Hamas and Hezbollah barbarism

Mordechai Sones By Mordechai Sones 7 Min Read

The Simchat Torah massacres, and subsequent months of Hezbollah missile fire, may have been coordinated with Israel’s globalist leaders to prepare its populace to accept Saudi and UAE regional hegemony as a favorable alternative to Hamas and Hezbollah barbarism.

Instead of imprisoning and trying Israel’s leaders for their compliance and cooperation in Israel’s October 7th inaction, the country is idolizing them, even as new posters appeared in Tel Aviv the morning after Nasrallah’s elimination that read: “New Order.”

IDF soldiers are clearing the region of Hamas and Shiite presence to prepare the ground for a Saudi/UAE-dominated confederation of Middle East states, that, it has been suggested, would include ceding Temple Mount sovereignty to the Saudis.

If this seems farfetched, read the remarks by Israel’s Abraham Peace Accords Director Asher Fredman, marking four years since the signing of the Abraham Accords. He says that “as long as Hamas is dominant,” the Saudis and UAE “will not enter Gaza. The anticipation of some Israelis that the Emiratis or the Saudis will deal with Hamas will not happen. If and when we totally eliminate Hamas, there is a chance that the Saudis and Emiratis or Egyptians will play a role in the Gaza of the day after. They will also want to see steps towards Palestinian independence and Palestinian economic rehabilitation [emphasis added]. ”

“Palestinian independence” means a state in Judea and Samaria, with a “safe corridor” to Gaza, as agreed to by Israel in the Oslo Accords (“In order to facilitate the movement of persons and goods between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and pending the establishment of the ‘safe passage’ referred to in Article X of Annex I, Israel shall allow the movement of persons and transportation of goods between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in accordance with the arrangements set out in Annex I.”), with Jerusalem as its capital, including the Temple Mount.

As you continue reading Fredman’s comments, recall that the largest arms sale in U.S. history, valued at $60 billion, was to Saudi Arabia (“…the U.S. administration did not anticipate any objections to the sale from Israel…”) The second-largest-ever U.S. arms sale ($23 billion) was announced during the Trump administration, to the United Arab Emirates.

Contrary to media reports for the past thirty years portraying Iran as an immediate, existential threat to U.S. and Israeli security, the Brookings Institute released a policy report, which was actually a handbook for overthrowing nations, entitled Which Path to Persia?

Written by six prominent establishment analysts including Martin Indyk and Kenneth Pollack, the paper admitted that at the time (2009), Iran did not pose a threat to the survival of the United States or to Israel’s security, but rather to their collective regional and geopolitical hegemony and interests across the region.

Recall, also, that in 2007, Saudi Arabia, in cooperation with the United States and Israel, promoted a sectarian-extremist-driven destabilization campaign in Syria, whose result might be described as a premeditated NATO genocide. Former CIA official Robert Baer predicted massacres against Christians in Syria and Lebanon during an interview with Seymour Hersh for his 2007 article, The Redirection.

“As early as 2007, it was reported that the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia, together were not only organizing, funding, training, and arming militants directly linked to Al Qaeda to be used against Syria and Iran, but knew well in advance that by doing so, they would trigger an unprecedented ‘cataclysmic conflict’ driven by sectarian extremism,” wrote New Atlas. “Not only was such sectarian violence expected, it was desired ahead of redrawing a new map for the Middle East – one that favored Western corporate-financier and geopolitical interests, while keeping the region weak, divided, and infighting.”

What is ironic in light of western fixation on Iran is that Baer stated that joint U.S.-Saudi-Israeli machinations in Lebanon, which were generating Islamist groups, would necessitate protecting Christians, which was supposed to have been done by Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah and the Shiites, as opposed to the U.S. and France.

This may seem mystifying, until one reads the 2014 Uvda article that quoted Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan’s wife Miriam stating that her husband “would disappear for many nights at a time” to establish the Shiite military organization in Lebanon that would eventually become Hezbollah:

“…and she was quiet when he disappeared for many nights at a time in lebanon and established there a shiite fighting organization, which would eventually become hezbollah…”

How does Israel envision creating a political framework such as described by Fredman, whereby the Saudis, Emiratis, and/or Egyptians have a role administering the new regional alignment? “There are many models around the world of countries whose international relations and security is run under the auspices of another country [emphasis added]. We need to examine options and models. The Arab world displays a public opinion that supports the Palestinians and is hostile to Israel, but we have seen processes that we initiated and have not yet matured to the end.”

In other words, according to this “defense alliance,” the Israel Defense Forces, as its purpose has been understood until now, may need to be abolished, yet conscription would continue for the joint military force to be established and coordinated, and eventually merged, with the Palestinian military, and commanded by “another country.”

Like the original Oslo Accords, the agreements upon which this new convoluted alignment will be based are not intended to be honored, but are rather a cosmetic to cover up the true purpose of the strategy: the destruction of the State of Israel as a Jewish sovereign entity, and its subsuming within a greater, globalist strategic alliance that has no place for a Jewish State.

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